Monday, August 9, 2010

I've Got Eyes Only For You: Converting to Islam for marrying Muslim Women

In order to marry this Muslim girl it would be necessary for you to study Islam, allow it to settle into your heart, and to accept the belief. The value of the faith is beyond and independent of marriage to a Muslim girl. Therefore, you must acquire an understanding of Islam and become a sincere Muslim regardless of your relationship to this girl. It is possible that God has turned His grace towards you and wants to bestow upon you the faith through this Muslim woman. Therefore, pursue this with an open heart and God will bless you.
As for the technical side of things, the marriage would not be valid without you converting. So converting is necessary for you. Marriage is considered to be a religious institution, and thus, the bride and groom by default need to be of the same faith. An exception has been made to this in the Holy Qur'an where Allah Most High has permitted the marriage of Muslim men to women of the People of the Book (Jews or Christians) (Qur'an 5:5). Any other combination or arrangement will remain prohibited by default.
Most people interested in converting to Islam would visit a mosque or an Islamic center where the imam or leader would answer your questions and guide you through the procedure of expressing the testimony. This would probably be the best course of action for you. Furthermore, since it is unlawful in Islam to have extra-formal or unnecessary contact with any member of the opposite sex who is not one's kin or spouse it should be avoided. This is strongly recommended since observing these limits is a means of greater blessing in one's life and marriage. Please let us know if you need any further clarification on any issue.


    • 1
      Consult with Muslim friends, neighbors and officials in the faith in order to properly discern your own intentions and motives in converting. Read up on the basic tenets and laws of Islam before deciding once and for all if you are ready to enter into this lifelong commitment. This religionrequires you to dedicate yourself in mind, spirit and body, so you should be clear on the requirements of the lifestyle before signing on to a personal transformation and marriage contract. Talking with objective individuals and not just your intended bride will help you think critically about this serious decision.
    • 2
      Recite the Shahada aloud. The original Arabic phrase is "La ilaha il-Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah," which means "There is no God except Allah;
      Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." A genuine recitation of this saying in Arabic, reflective of a heartfelt belief, is enough to usher you into the faith. By saying this phrase to yourself or a witness, you demonstrate your faith in Muhammad as the sole path to Allah. You do not need witnesses to your conversion, since it's a deeply personal event, but Muslim witnesses may be present.
    • 3
      Take a bath or shower to cleanse yourself right after your recitation. The Ghusl is a purifying washing that you'll need to do after the completion of prayers and rituals as a Muslim. Make sure the water you use is pure and clean and that it has not come into contact with animals or been used before.
    • 4
      Learn the five pillars of Islam and the six articles of faith, and start to put them into practice. The five pillars to keep in mind are: 1. the Shahadah (the declaration you have recited), 2. Salah (prayer five times a day toward Mecca), 3. Zakah (donating to the poor), 4. Sawm (fasting during Ramadan) and 5. Hajj (making a pilgrimage to Mecca as soon as your circumstances permit). The articles of faith are as follows: 1. Tawheed (the monotheistic view of Allah), 2. Allah's prophets (including Jesus and Moses), 3. Allah's angels (metaphysical manifestations of light), 4. the authority of the holy books within the Qur'an, 5. the final resurrection of your body and soul on Judgment Day and 6. complete predestination by Allah, without whom no event can occur.

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